Event by SAY GLOBAL Venue: This event will be […]
Event by Pakistan Stammering Foundation, Asian Association for Stuttering Organizations , […]
Individuals Who Stammer come together and discuss their issues. Work together towards betterment of their speech.
Event by Pakistan Stammering Foundation, Asian Association for Stuttering Organizations , […]
Event by Pakistan Stammering Foundation, Asian Association for Stuttering Organizations , […]
Individuals Who Stammer come together and discuss their issues. Work together towards betterment of their speech.
Individuals Who Stammer come together and discuss their issues. Work together towards betterment of their speech.
Individuals Who Stammer come together and discuss their issues. Work together towards betterment of their speech.
Individuals Who Stammer come together and discuss their issues. Work together towards betterment of their speech.
Call at:+92 340 11 11 900
Email at: care@sayglobal.org,
For Appointments/ Registrations: anr@sayglobal.org