Ahmad Abdullah
Founder/ CEO.
Ahmad Abdullah founder of SAY Global Foundation, an engineer, social entrepreneur, working for the betterment of society. He completed his B.Sc. Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from UET Lahore in 2005. After that he completed M.Sc Thermal Power Engineering from UET Lahore. Masters in Project Management from NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway and University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany. He also holds a MBA and M.Sc in Organizational Psychology. He also studied courses of Environmental Management and Structural Reliability from KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and TUM, Technical University of Munich, Germany respectively.
He has working experience with private and public sector. He has worked on Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded projects. He also consulted for United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA).
SAY is abbreviation of his parent’s names. Ahmad Abdullah founded SAY Global Foundation (SGF) with a vision to help humanity and develop a better and positive society. For this purpose, he started by helping People Who Stammer (PWS). He is also a person who stammers. Under the umbrella of SGF he started Pakistan Stammering Foundation (PSF) to aware society and provide intervention to PWS. Work for the rights and welfare of PWS and help them to get jobs. Then he initiated Mental Health Development Program to help people worldwide and particularly in Pakistan to bring up a mentally positive and strong society. Working towards making a mentally healthy Pakistan. The journey continues to support and develop a better society. Building a strong Pakistan and providing help worldwide.